Inktober day 7 - Shy

I found this prompt very difficult as I didn't really have any ideas for it. My first plan was to just draw an animal acting shy, and I settled on a fox covering its face with its tail. However, I wasn't too happy with how it turned out, both in terms of the quality of the art and in terms of the subject.
A shy fox
My second idea was to have a hole in a tree with just the eyes of a creature visible. But again, I wasn't too keen on it.
A shy creature hiding in a tree hollow

And finally I decided to try and draw a scene where a monster is watching a hiker walking through some woods. I couldn't really decide what kind of monster to draw and went through several iterations. At first is was just a pair of eyes in the dark background with some creepy hands grasping a tree, and then it was a monster in the foreground, but eventually I decided to try out an idea I've had for a while - an amorphous blob made up of octopus eyes.
A shy monster working up the courage to say hi
I quite like how it turned out, although I am really not good at drawing scenery or people. The shading of the trees is heavily inspired from the webcomic "The Last Halloween" by Abby Howard. I absolutely love her art style and how she draws trees so I wanted to try and do something similar.

So that's it for day 7 of Inktober, tomorrow's prompt is "crooked". I'm not sure what I'll do for this, maybe a creepy witch.


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